• Membership

    Become a new student member for 0 DKK

    At IDA, you can become a free student member the first 12 months. After that, the membership costs 20 DKK per month.

    Join 38,000 other student members in the fields of science, IT, and engineering.

  • New member?

    Your membership benefits

    As a member of Denmark’s largest community of students in IT, natural sciences, and engineering, you have access to a wealth of discounts, events, career advice, and more.

    Access all your member benefits right here.

  • International students

    New to Denmark

    Moving to a new country may feel overwhelming at first. We want to help you with the transition.

    Get tips and insights on how to get the best possible student exchange life in Denmark.

  • Career handbook

    Just graduated?

    Then head on over to our Career handbook.

    Be inspired by other graduates in their first job, browse over 50 companies looking for talent and get IDAs counselling tips and tricks to make the transition to working life easier.

Denmark’s best union

For the fourth year in a row, IDA has been named the best union in the “Brancheindex Fagforening 2024” from Loyalty Group. Once again, IDA’s members top the list of the country’s most loyal union members.

Selected member benefits

Career handbook

Get ready for your future career

Transitioning from being a student to a graduate is one of the major changes in life. With the Career Handbook, we hope to make your transition from student to graduate as smooth as possible.

New to Denmark?
The practialities

Card with text: New to Denmark. What do I need to know, and where do I find it?

Moving to a new country and settling in can be daunting and exciting at the same time. There is a lot to take in, and much of it is completely new, and can be hard to figure out. We’ve got you covered with essential insights and tips to make your transition smoother.


Danish Rent Act

Are you unsure about how to go about renting a place in Denmark? We got you.

Tenancy legislation can be complex and not always transparent. It is therefore a good idea to get a basic understanding of the Danish Rent Act with our FAQ. This way you will know what to look for and what to avoid as well as the general rights as a tentant while renting.

Use the description in the FAQ as guidance to tenancy regulation that is generally applicable.

en mosaik af mennesker der studerer

IDA Campus – an online course platform

Get access to the course catalogue with subtitles, choose your favorites and get a IDA certificate upon completion. With updated video courses and new instructors and topics. IDA Campus is free for student members.

student members
campus locations
events in total yearly
en række billeder opsat i et mosaik der viser forskellige livssituationer som at fejre, feste, studere, socialisere, cykle, dyrke sport

Graduates with Free Home Content insurance

– keep your free Home Contents Insurance for a year after your graduation


Due to recent changes made by the government that puts students and graduates in a tighter spot financially, IDA has decided that we will counter by prolonging the free Home Contentes insurance for recent graduates up to a year. This means, that if you get the Home Contents insurance while you enrolled and active in a study, it will remain free for a year after graduation.

Read more about the Home Contents insurance and other insurances we offer students.