From uni to job

Find inspiration, advice and guidance for your specific situation; whether you're about to graduate, looking for a job or starting a new job.

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IDAs Career Handbook 2025 is here

Get tips and tricks for job searching, learn what companies are looking for, and get good advice on applying for jobs and getting started. The career book is packed with information, advice, and companies interested in hearing from you.
Popular articles
Popular videos
What is competency? How do you write a targeted CV and cover letter? What about salary negotiations? Get help and tips to alle these and many more with IDAs video series for graduates, new job seekers and you who are in your first job after graduating. Video titles and speech is in Danish, but English subtitles are available.
5 tips for a good first salary negotiation
Company contact: Questions to ask in a call
How to analyse job postings
What is a good CV?
The good application
How to use LinkedIn as a research tool
Competencies: What are they and how do you create an overview?
Salary negotiations – annual
Know your rights – Parental leave
Private sector employment
Public sector employment
Students can find internships, student jobs, graduate positions and projects here.
With essential courses for those in the STEM field, like excel, Python, MATLAB.
Using IDAs salary calculator, you will be able to get a gross salary estimate for a job profile matching your input.
Everything you need to know about maternity or paternity leave under Danish law.
Using the interactive payslip, you can read all about every item such as ATP, AM-bidrag, taxes, vactation days.
IDAs mentor programme for graduates is a 9 month long tailored offer for all graduates new to the job market. A mentor will be able to sparr with you about professional and academic relations and help you gain overview of opportunities and challenges in your early career.
Share your experiencecs with other IDA-members in the same situation as you - both as internationals and young graduates.
Need help with the job hunt?
Job seeker
Pige i lyseblå t-shirt sidder i gul lænestol og snakker til anden pige, man næsten ikke kan se
Need advice to balance your early career
First job