Study Start

On this page, you’ll find help for the study start. Explore all our content, which is tailored for you as a student to support you at the beginning of your studies.

Mosaik af tematikken studiestart Mosaik af tematikken studiestart


Your guide during the study start.
What Is the difference between high school and higher education?
There are significant differences between daily life at a high school and at a higher education institution. Read more about the transition from high school to university.
The introvert’s guide to starting your studies
For some, the introductory games, guided tours, and name rounds at the start of studies are a huge party. For others, it’s a challenge where you’d rather hide under the duvet.
SPS – This is how it works
Exam preparation, new social relationships, pressure of expectations, uncertainty. There can be many experiences associated with student life that require a bit of extra adjustment.
Considering skipping the start of your studies?
Finding the balance between studies and social life can be a challenge, especially when you’ve just started higher education.
How to get off to a good start in your studies
The beginning of your university journey brings many new impressions, challenges, and changes. Once you find your footing, it’s essential to strike a balance in all the newness.

Starting a new chapter in Denmark?

You must have so many questions relocating to a new country. The practical side is just one of the aspects of moving, but it can be quite a big step. We want to give you the best opportunities to make the transition a pleasant one.
IDA Campus

Take free study courses

As a student member, you have access to courses that can supplement your education. If you need more hands-on experience with technical programs or tips for your student life, then IDA Campus is the place for you.

For instance you can take the course "Navigating student life in Denmark".

Thinking about student jobs and project collaborations?

A student job and project collaboration are rewarding, but find a balance so it doesn’t affect your studies. Stay updated on our student job finder and offer your services when you have the capacity and find a company you find interesting.
IDA Career advice

Benefits of student jobs, internships and thesis collaboration


Selected membership benefits for you

As a student member of IDA, you have access to a range of discounts and cash benefits, allowing you to get a good start on your studies.
We help you get started with your studies

Are you ready to get started?

As a student member of IDA, you receive personal advice and access to current courses, workshops, and webinars that assist you with the start of your studies and your future student life.

We offer a range of different membership benefits that make life easier at the beginning of your studies, and we also host social events you can take advantage of. Read more below.