
On this page, you’ll find help and tools to create balance in your student life. Navigating through textbooks and all the social aspects around student life can indeed be challenging.
Mosaik af tematikken balance Mosaik af tematikken balance
Consider what works for you


What does your ideal student life look like?
Do you know how your student life should be? Not just the direction, but also how the balance between study and leisure should shape up?
What are your expectations for your studies?
As a student in a STEM programme, you’re likely accustomed to high demands from your instructors, your environment, and especially from yourself.
Considering taking a break from your studies?
There can be many reasons to consider a break: more time for personal projects, financial considerations, or to prevent burnout.
Why it is important to say no
Forventningerne om at balancere studieopgaver, studiejob, sociale aktiviteter og personlig udvikling kan skabe pres, der nemt kan føre til stress og udbrændthed.
Balance in your student life kursus Balance in your student life kursus
IDA Campus


Balance in your student life

Achieving balance in student life is crucial for both well-being and academic success. This course will provide you with practical tools and insights to help you navigate the demands of your studies and maintain a healthy balance between your studies and life outside.


A good network can help you find balance in everyday life as an international student in Denmark. You can read more about all the benefits from networking — both in relation to your student life and in terms of job searching after graduation
IDA Career Advice

Networking: What´s in it for me?

The Danish Rent Act FAQ

Here, you will find answers about the most important areas of the tenancy law that could be relevant to your situation when you move into your own property. A sanctuary at home is also an important part of a balanced student life.
Person står i sin lejlighed med råvarer til at lave mad

We help you find balance

As a student member of IDA, you receive personal guidance and current courses, workshops, and webinars that help you find balance in your student life — whether you need to increase or decrease certain activities.

We offer a range of different membership benefits that can assist you, and we also host social events if you need more of that in your student life.