Exchange and study abroad

On this page, we have gathered relevant content for you who dream of studying or interning abroad. We have collected everything from scholarship applications to cheap travel insurance through IDA.
Mosaik om udveksling og udlandsophold Mosaik om udveksling og udlandsophold


Your guide to a dream stay abroad
Student: Study abroad and travel insurance
Check if your insurance covers you during your stay abroad. Get answers to the most frequently asked questions about study stays and insurance, so you can travel safely.
Funds and scholarships: A guide for university students
Student grants and possible part-time jobs are not the only way to manage your finances; funds and scholarships are a good opportunity for a helping hand to your budget as a student.
Get good advice for your exchange
An exchange stay can develop you both personally and in your career. We help you prepare as best as possible before departure.
Exchange develops you personally and professionally
A stay abroad not only strengthens your professional profile and benefits job opportunities. It can also be a personally enriching experience that shapes you as a person.
IDA Campus

Study abroad

In this course, you will get an overview of your exchange. You will learn about choosing universities, application processes, different types of study stays, and your financing options. We delve into scholarship applications, foreign grants, and preparation of housing, visas, and insurance.
IDA Insurance


Travel insurance

Are you planning to travel during your education? Maybe you are going on exchange? Maybe you are on exchange but planning to travel around between semesters? As a student member of IDA, you can buy a cheap travel insurance – that way you can travel and experience the world with peace of mind.
Rejseforsikring Rejseforsikring
IDA supports you in your dreams abroad or right here

Make your stay abroad or in Denmark even better

As a student member of IDA, you can apply for scholarships, buy cheap insurance, Get in touch with exciting internships, and seek advice on what to be aware of during your stay. Contact IDA’s career counseling for help.