The exam

Exams can be a challenge for any student. Here you will find everything you need to prepare and adapt to the exam format at a higher education institution.


Your guide to nailing exams and managing your nervousness.
Did the exam not go as planned? How to move on
As a STEM student, you are probably used to dealing with high expectations. If the exam did not go as expected, it can be difficult to handle the disappointment. Get help here.
Why it is a good idea to cooperate with a company
There are many advantages to collaborating with a company when you have to submit a major assignment and prepare for exams today. Read more here.
How to get the most out of exam guidance
Writing a thesis is a milestone in your academic life. It is a project that requires time, energy, and commitment. But you are not alone – your exam supervisor is there to help you.
10 tips for your exam preparation
Stay calm during exams with these tips from IDA’s career counseling. They are based on our conversations with students and designed to help you achieve the results you want.
The best way to prepare for an exam
Planning, reading, and writing. Get good advice on how to structure your studies before exams with Pernille Risør Elving, development consultant at Aarhus University.
How AI can help you in your studies
If you use AI responsibly and with a critical awareness of its strengths and weaknesses, this new technology can be a great help. Hear the expert’s advice here.


Secure a project collaboration with a company

There are many advantages to engaging in a project collaboration with a company. It provides you with practical experience and is also highly valued by your educational institution. On IDA Student Job Finder, it is easy for you to find relevant collaboration opportunities.
IDA Campus


Stay calm durings exams

Understanding and managing your nervous system during exams is crucial for your success, whether you are a student, professional, or simply wish to tackle exam stress. This online course is tailored to help you understand and work with your nervous system’s reactions through a series of practical exercises and strategies.

Danish courses have English subtitles.
Introduction to PowerPoint
Understand PowerPoint's interface and features. Gain skills in creating and designing presentations that can give you an advantage in exams. Use visual and textual elements. Learn methods to apply animations and transitions.
Introduction to ChatGPT
Understand ChatGPT's interface and advanced features. Gain skills in dialogue management, response formatting, and data handling. Learn methods to integrate chatbots into written assignments and coding projects, so you have all the prerequisites for a good exam.
Mindfulness helps you find calm and create balance in a busy everyday life. Through simple tools, you learn to let go of racing thoughts and become more present, whether it's about improving sleep or reducing stress before exams.
Excel for advanced users
Achieve an advanced understanding of Excel's features and interface. Learn to analyze large amounts of data with pivot tables and advanced charts. Develop skills in data handling and presentation through practical exercises.
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Free psychological help

Get professional help at IDA

Do you feel stressed about exams? Nervousness is normal, but if it develops into anxiety and affects you mentally and physically, you should seek professional help. Do not hesitate to contact IDA for the right support throughout your studies.

Take advantage of all your membership benefits at IDA

As a student member of IDA, you always have access to our professional career counseling. Here, you can get the guidance and support you need – whether it's about settling into your studies or getting help to realize your future career dreams.

You can also see and participate in one or more of our social and professional events – a good student life is about balancing it.