The exam

Did the exam not go as planned? How to move on

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As a STEM student, you are probably used to dealing with high expectations. Perhaps the highest come from yourself? Therefore, an exam that did not go as expected can be a tough pill to swallow. But how do you handle the disappointment so it does not affect you too much?

Table of contents

  • How to put the exam behind you
  • Good advice for handling disappointment and regaining motivation
  • Learn from the experience

How to put the exam behind you

The very first step is to allow yourself to feel the disappointment. It is natural to be upset when something important does not go as you expected. The disappointment can be a reaction to your effort, the expectations you have set for yourself, or the fear of how a bad grade might affect your future opportunities.

By acknowledging the feeling of disappointment, you create an opportunity to move on rather than stagnate. Especially in the early days of your studies, you should not be too hard on yourself after a bad exam experience

If it is at the beginning of your studies, you also need to get to know the academic world and the criteria they assess during exams, says Emilie Lindquist, career advisor at IDA, and emphasizes that most students will experience disappointment during their studies.
Emilie Lindquist, Career Advisor at IDA
Fact box

9 good tips for handling disappointment and regaining motivation

Learn from the experience

Every exam that does not go as expected is an opportunity to learn something new, both academically and personally. Start by analysing what went wrong: Was it time management during the exam, misunderstandings in the syllabus, or something as simple as nervousness?

Many universities offer the opportunity to review the exam, where you can go through your answers with a teacher. Take advantage of this chance to identify your strengths and weaknesses. It is not about finding faults in yourself, but about discovering where you can improve. This is also something you can benefit from in other areas of life.

After a disappointment, you have certainly gained some life lessons in realizing that it was not actually that bad. You have survived. And I would say that if you go through life without failing, then something is wrong. It is important to try things out and find out that they did not work, points out Emilie Lindquist.
Emilie Lindquist, Career Advisor at IDA

A single exam does not define your overall ability as a student. Many technical courses are built around continuous improvement and the acquisition of complex skills. Therefore, it is important to see the disappointing exam as a snapshot and not as a definitive assessment of what you can do.

Good luck with handling the disappointment, and good luck with your next exam.


We hope you have gained a slightly different perspective on taking exams. There are certainly positive things you can take away from an unsatisfactory exam. Below you will find related content about exams in higher education.
Stay calm during exams
Learn to identify and understand your nervous system’s reactions during exams. Learn techniques to calm yourself and reduce your exam stress. Danish courses are with English subtitles.
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Planning, reading and writing. Get good advice on how to structure your studies in the time leading to the exam with Pernille Risør Elving, development consultant at Aarhus University.

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