Student jobs, internships, and project collaborations

What are you looking for in a student job?

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A student job is much more than a financial boost. A student job can be the gateway to your first real job after graduation. You can learn to work with others, and you can broaden your horizons. Read on and learn about the various reasons to find a student job.

Table of contents

  • A student job cannot be underestimated
  • Professional advantages
  • Good questions to ask yourself (and the employer) before choosing a student job
  • Social advantages
  • A path to balance and structure
  • A springboard to the future

A student job cannot be underestimated

A student job can provide much more than just an extra income for student life. For students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), a relevant student job can be a key to personal and professional development. It is an opportunity to bridge the gap between theory and practice, expand your network, and gain invaluable experiences that can benefit your career in the long run. Employers look significantly at your experience.

They look more at whether you have relevant experience during your studies in the form of student jobs or internships, and they look less at your grades. Additionally, you also get to know your field better. You find out what people actually do in the real world. This can give many graduates peace of mind because life on the other side of student life does not become such an unknown territory.
Emilie Lindquist, career advisor at IDA

Professional advantages

One of the most obvious advantages of a student job is the practical experience you gain within your field. As a STEM student, you can experience how the theoretical knowledge you acquire in your studies is translated into concrete tasks and projects.

For example, an engineering student with a student job in a company can learn to use advanced software tools, develop new products, or contribute to problem-solving in real projects. An IT student can work with programming, databases, or cybersecurity. All of this provides insight into the industry you will be working in.

A student job also gives you the opportunity to try out different work areas. Maybe you are unsure whether you want to work in research, development, project management, or something entirely different.

Fact box

Good questions to ask yourself (and the employer) before choosing a student job

Social advantages

Besides the professional aspect, a student job also offers social benefits that can be just as important. Working in a team allows you to build relationships with colleagues who share your passion for your field. Here, you can geek out on details, expand your network, and create connections that can be beneficial when you have submitted your thesis and are ready for your first job.

You learn to work with others, and you learn how to navigate the job market. It can be a great advantage to be familiar with this before you complete your studies. You practice all your social and personal skills in a work context, and you will definitely need them when you land your first job.
Emilie Lindquist, career advisor at IDA

And one last and relevant thing to keep in mind when looking for a student job is the type of work you will be doing. You should ask yourself what type of tasks you thrive in. This applies both to the professional content of the job, i.e., the tasks, but also the framework around the job – is there a lot of teamwork or a lot of individual work?

And it is also very much about feeling what you find exciting. Many people do not know exactly which direction their career will take, so it is really important to choose based on your motivation.

IDA Student Jobfinder

Find you next student job here

With IDA Study Job Finder, you can find your next student job, internship, or project collaboration. You can filter by your field of study, and you will be offered job opportunities that match your profile.

A path to balance and structure

A student job can also help you create structure in your daily life. Combining studies and work requires planning and prioritization, which is a skill that will benefit you for many years to come. Many students actually find that they become more efficient with their time when they have regular work tasks alongside their studies.

At the same time, it can be a good break from academic life. A student job gives you the opportunity to shift focus and work on tasks that are more practically oriented. This can reduce stress and increase your motivation for your studies because you can see how your education relates to real life.

A springboard to the future

One of the biggest advantages of a student job is that it can serve as a springboard to your future career. Many companies hire students part-time with the intention of offering them full-time positions after graduation. In other words, your student job can become your ticket to your dream job.

And even if you do not end up working for the same company, the experience from a student job will make you more attractive in the job market. You show that you are committed, have practical experience, and are ready to take on responsibility.

Et studiejob som STEM-studerende er mere end blot en indtægtskilde. Det er en mulighed for at udvikle dig fagligt og socialt, skabe struktur i din hverdag og forberede dig på fremtidens arbejdsmarked. Så hvis du overvejer, om du skal tage et studiejob, er svaret klart: Det kan blive en af de bedste investeringer, du gør i din fremtid. 


If you have gained insight into what a student job can do for you and your future, you can read more of the same content below.
IDA Student Jobfinder
Find an exciting and rewarding student job, internship, or project collaboration with IDA Student Jobfinder.
What to know about salary and conditions when doing an internship as a Bachelor of Engineering
As a student in the diploma engineering program, you must complete a six-month internship. Read more about the experience you will gain and what you should be aware of regarding your conditions and salary.
Get help with contract and salary
Is your employment contract as it should be? Are you getting the salary you deserve? Have your contract reviewed by IDA’s legal advisors. This also applies to student jobs.
IDAs salary compass
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Use IDA to your advantage

Now you know all the benefits of having a student job. You can use IDA Study Job Finder to search for positions, but you can also use IDA to tune your professional profile. At IDA Campus, you can take relevant online courses that provide you with the skills companies are looking for. IDA also helps optimize your CV – you can always reach out to our competent career advisors.