
As a student, you are constantly developing. But there are more ways to grow than through theory and teaching. Here you will find an overview of opportunities, offers, and tools that can enhance your development as a student.


Your guide to enhancing your development as a student.
Become aware of your strengths and make the most of them
Getting to know your personal competencies and using them actively in your studies can both increase your well-being and your academic results. But do you even know your strengths, and do you know how to use them optimally?
Do you have a plan or are you taking it as it comes?
There are different approaches that can shape how your next semester looks. Or perhaps your first job? Are you the spontaneous type or do you prefer a clear structure for your study and career life? Both can work.
Why it is a good idea to cooperate with a company
There are many advantages to collaborating with a company when you are submitting either your bachelor's project or thesis. You can gain experience, the company can obtain useful knowledge, and perhaps even hire you later on.
Exchange develops you personally and professionally
A stay abroad can be a personally enriching experience that shapes you as a person. And you can also show future employers that you are able to adapt to different environments and thrive in an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural setting.
What are you looking for in a student job?
A student job is much more than a financial boost. A student job can be the gateway to your first real job after graduation. You can learn to work with others, and you can broaden your horizons.
What do companies care about when hiring?
As a STEM student, you already have strong technical skills and a solid academic foundation. But when companies are looking for interns and student assistants, it is not always enough. Read how you can become the right match.
Job and career fairs: A valuable head start in your job hunt
Which career path is right for you? How do you get in touch with potential employers? One of the best ways to get answers and gain an extra edge after graduation is by attending job and career fairs.
IDA Campus på computer IDA Campus på computer
IDA Campus

Develop your skills completely free

At IDA Campus, you can enhance your expertise and supplement your education with courses that match the needs of companies. Get online instruction from experienced teachers in everything from Python to grant applications.

Here you will gain skills and knowledge that you do not learn in the classroom, but which are equally sought after in the business world.

IDA Student Jobfinder


Get a foot in the door of the business world and enhance your development

With a student job, an internship, or a project collaboration, you get a unique opportunity to get a taste of the business world. The experiences gained here are invaluable and develop you in ways you do not experience at your place of study.
IDA Mentor


Develop professionally and personally through a mentorship program

A mentor is your personal sparring partner who, in a professional and academic relationship, helps you handle the opportunities and challenges of student life and career.

Get support to develop skills and habits that contribute to your overall growth, such as time management, life mastery, and effective communication. Gain perspective on dilemmas and goals, and help you achieve what you want.
Kvinde får hjælp fra en mentor Kvinde får hjælp fra en mentor
En person der sidder med hænderne fremme, en pen i hånden og en kalender klar til at skrive i En person der sidder med hænderne fremme, en pen i hånden og en kalender klar til at skrive i
IDA Networking


Meet like-minded people in IDA's professional networks

Through a technical network, you can broaden your horizons, meet like-minded people, and delve deeper into your field. You have access to all of IDA's networks, which include up to 70 technical and nationwide networks.

There are three types of networks: professional, regional, and facilitated groups. In all three, you become part of active communities with the same interests and expertise.
IDA STEM Students

Join IDA STEM Students and make a difference

IDA STEM Students is an active association run by volunteer students. We ensure that students' voices are heard in IDA and the public debate.

The association is a network where students can meet and exchange views across STEM programs and universities.

We fight for the best conditions for you and your fellow students. Join us as we put diversity, well-being, and education quality on the agenda.

IDA helps you in your development

As a student, you are constantly developing every time you open a textbook or step into the classroom. However, there are other ways to strengthen your skills.

IDA’s professional career advice can help you in your search for the perfect internship, student job, or career direction. Also, use IDA Campus, our online learning platform, to master important tools and programs as well as gain skills that go beyond your education.