Bachelor and master thesis

On this page, you will find content and guidence in relation to the two biggest exams you will encounter as a student i Denmark: The bachelorproject and the master thesis.
Your guide to the major exams


From bachelor to masters – what you need to know
It can be a big change to start a master’s programme. We have created a Q and A with questions from students, so you are prepared for your new life as a master’s student.
Why it is a good idea to cooperate with a company
There are plenty of benefits related to collaborating with a company when submitting either your bachelor's project or master's thesis. Read more.
How to ensure a good writing process
Writing a thesis presents pitfalls and major challenges. However, the opportunity for deep immersion can certainly become a very positive experience.
How AI can help you in your studies
The development and use of artificial intelligence in studies are growing. Here, an expert guides you on what a day with AI by your side could look like.
The best way to prepare for an exam
Planning, reading, and writing. Get good advice on how to structure your studies leading up to exams with Pernille Risør Elving, development consultant at Aarhus University.
10 tips for your exam preparation
Get calm for exams with these tips from IDA’s career counselling. Get through the exam period and achieve the results you want.
IDA supports your well-being

Student mental health offer

The bachelor’s project and thesis can seem particularly daunting for many – fortunately, you can get help to manage it mentally. As a student member of IDA, you have access to a range of services that can help you safely get through your final exams.
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Rådgivning Rådgivning
IDA is there for you during your exams

Personal career advice

We are always ready to discuss your considerations and advise on challenges related to your bachelor’s project or thesis. We can also provide guidance on the choice of topic and collaborations that can benefit your future career and job search.


IDA Student Jobfinder

Use our job portal to search for project collaborations with companies in the fields of natural science, IT, and engineering. See if the companies on our platform are a good match for your project – they are just waiting to be contacted by you or your study group.
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IDA Campus

Stay calm during exams

As a student member, you have access to courses that can supplement your studies. For example, if you need tools to manage stressful exam periods, IDA Campus is the place for you. Danish courses are with english subtitles.
We help you with your final assignments

Seek help at IDA

As a student member of IDA, you get personal advice and access to relevant courses, workshops, and webinars that help you through the most stressful times of your studies: During your bachelor and master thesis.