IDA STEM Students
Your student political organization. We strive to create the best conditions for you and your fellow students. Join us as we prioritise diversity, well-being, and the quality of education.
IDA STEM STUDENTS kick-off 2025
Who are IDA STEM Students?
IDA STEM Students is a dynamic student association run by dedicated volunteers. The organisation ensures that students’ voices are heard within IDA and in public discussions. Additionally, it serves as a network for students to connect and share issues and opinions across STEM disciplines, universities, and campuses.
IDA STEM Students plays a crucial role in shaping the union and interest group that will support us in the future. There are reserved spots for all educational institutions where IDA’s student members are enrolled.
The 2024 Board
Spokesperson for IDA STEM Students
Linda Knudsen serves as the spokesperson for IDA STEM Students, actively participating in the political discourse.
As a spokesperson, Linda keeps abreast of the political discussions on education policy and collaborates with other unions within the AC community.
Additionally, Linda is a member of the Education and Research Committee for both IDA and the AC network.
The board’s positions
How is the board of IDA STEM Students structured? What positions are there? And what are their responsibilities? You can read more about it below.
Spokesperson (Executive Committee)
The spokesperson represents IDA STEM Students in political discussions. They are responsible for staying informed about education policy debates and collaborating with other unions in the AC community. This role is exciting, involving active participation in ongoing debates, staying updated, and meeting politicians or public commentators if one dares to reach out.
You are responsible for reaching out to the board on critical issues, but you are also expected to be knowledgeable enough about IDA STEM Students’ policies to advocate for the association independently. Additionally, you are expected to take a leadership role within IDA STEM.
The spokesperson is a member of the Education and Research Committee for both IDA and the AC network.
Member of the Main Board in IDA (Executive Committee)
The main board member attends IDA’s main board meetings, leads IDA STEM Students within IDA’s political framework, and is expected to advocate for students within IDA.
As a main board member, you are responsible for involving the board in the work of IDA’s representative council and main board.
Education Policy Officer (Executive Committee)
As the Education Policy Officer, you sit on IDA’s Education and Research Committee and are expected to work closely with the spokesperson to stay updated on the political agenda.
You are responsible for involving the board and leading discussions on policy matters.
Operations Officer (Executive Committee)
As the Operations Officer, you are responsible for assisting with the practical coordination of various seminars, meetings, and other events in collaboration with IDA’s Youth Department, as well as supporting IDA STEM Students’ social media activities.
You have the opportunity to be involved in various committees and discussions that take place within the rest of the Executive Committee.
Board Member
As a board member, you represent your place of study. You form the backbone of the Executive Committee and contribute your expertise to the board meetings convened by the Executive Committee.
The board typically consists of 2 representatives from each place of study.
The Representative Council
Do you want to be at the heart of decision-making in IDA and vote on key resolutions? Do you want to connect with STEM students across different age groups? Then you should become a representative in IDA for IDA STEM Students.
As a member of the Representative Council, you participate in IDA’s general assemblies (representative council meetings) and are involved in IDA’s legislative process. This role typically involves attending 2 meetings per year.
You are welcome to be a member of the Representative Council while also holding another position within IDA STEM Students.
Key issues
There is a growing issue of poor well-being among young people and students, with many statistics indicating that the problem is structurally rooted. Therefore, IDA STEM Students believes that we can address this issue through structural measures, particularly at the higher education institutions where students spend their daily lives.
Challenges in the area of well-being should not be individualised, but it is important to pay attention to each person. In Denmark, there are approximately 260,000 students, meaning there are many definitions of good well-being.
An unstable economy, an unpredictable housing market, and a constant feeling of falling behind in studies are just a few examples of what contributes to poor well-being. It is important to have a dialogue on how we can ensure the stable foundation upon which all good learning is built. Political action is required to address these issues.
Diversity is essential for creating a sense of belonging and a positive study environment in education. Students thrive best when they have peers and lecturers they can relate to.
Therefore, IDA STEM Students is committed to keeping diversity a major focus on the political agenda, both nationally and locally.
We strive to ensure that all students have role models they can look up to. Additionally, we focus on the well-being of minorities in individual courses and aim to break down prejudices and stereotypes within STEM fields.
Quality of Education
High-quality education is essential, not only for Danish society but also for each student’s motivation throughout their studies. Quality education and happy students go hand in hand. Ensuring excellent education across the country’s many higher education institutions is a key priority for IDA STEM Students.
Unfortunately, we often see that national and local initiatives repeatedly fail to properly include students and relevant professionals. Recently, during the relocation of educational places, political manoeuvring was prioritised over the needs of students, resulting in less funding for individual educational institutions.
Funds that could have been used, for example, to provide more meaningful feedback to individual students, and to ensure proper and up-to-date workshops and laboratories, among other things.
Board Members
If you want to get in touch with IDA STEM Students, please contact
Frederik Bøllingtoft
Reem Saad
Linda Knudsen
Cecilie Oved Bendtsen
Mark Buje Hein Sørensen
Benedicte Jensen
Adeel Khaliq
Sebastian Hoff
Lise Moos
Mads G.E. Hansen
Johanne Skotte Sten Hansen
Mikkel Berrig Rasmussen
Rita Braunschweig
Abir Chowdhury
Alina Kristell
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