What to know about salary and conditions when doing an internship as a Bachelor of Engineering

Internship is a permanent part of the Bachelor of Engineering study. Here you can read more about salary, holiday and other conditions you should be aware of.
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As a student on the Bachelor of Engineering programme, you must do a half-year internship. It is a good opportunity to gain practical experience within your subject, and it is quite advantageous to get to know the job market, if you have not had a student job.

You negotiate your employment contract yourself, but there are a number of working conditions to which you are entitled.

Here you can read more about what you need to pay attention to and how IDA can help you get the best possible terms.

You have the right to an employment contract

As a trainee, you have the right to receive an employment contract and a copy of the applicable collective agreement, if you are covered by it.

How to read you your contract through (DK version)

Log in and have your contract read by IDA’s legal advisers

Internship salary for Bachelor of Engineering

The main rule is that you do not get SU during the internship period (if this is something you were granted). Instead, you will be paid a salary by the company you are doing your internship with.

It is up to the individual intern and company to negotiate a suitable salary during the internship period, but IDA and the Study Council for Engineering Students in Denmark have set an indicative minimum salary, which is regulated annually:

The indicative trainee salary in 2023 is set at DKK 16,200 per month.

In some situations, however, it can be difficult for the students to agree on a salary during the internship period – this applies, for example, if you want to do an internship abroad.

If you do not have the opportunity to reach an agreement on salary during the internship period, you must contact your place of study to find out more about the possibility of other financial opportunities. The Council of Engineering Education (IUS) has implemented a scheme where a limited number of students can get SU during the internship period as diploma engineering students.

Holiday allowance when you are doing an internship as a BEng

When you are doing an engineering internship, you are entitled to 12.5% holiday pay.
Your employer must pay the holiday money into FerieKonto.

Read more about the rules for holidays and holiday pay (DK version)

Wait to sign a clause

It happens that a contract for trainee employment contains a competition or customer clause. If you are presented with such a clause, it is IDA’s request that you have your contract read through by our lawyers. Then – before you sign – you can get guidance on how the clause will limit you in your job search in the future.

Read more about clauses in the employment contract (DK version)

Daily allowance after your internship period

There are fixed and strict rules for being paid unemployment benefits when you have finished a student job or an internship period. IDA does not have an a-kasse (unemployment insurance fund), but collaborates with Akademikernes A-kasse, from which you can get advice if you are a member of the A-kasse.

Read more about unemployment benefits at Akademikernes A-kasse