You never know which line of work might open a door for you, but always stay open to build a broad professional network. These connections may be beneficial for future opportunities or collaborations that transcend the boundaries of their academic discipline.
Student jobs, internships, and project collaborations
How a student job can help you gain experience
Making connections and networking while studying will increase your chances of nailing a permanent job when you graduate. We'll guide you!
Table of contents
- Advantages in having work experience while studying
- Work is never irrelevant
- Be explicit and show interest
- Stay in touch
- Advantages in having a relevant student job
- This many companies recommend…
- Working in a café is also relevant
- Advantages in having a student job in general
Cultural integration
Networking opportunities
Skill development
Understanding local job market
Understand industry dynamic
Time management
Advantages in having a student job in general
Do you want to get the coolest student job?