Communities and relationships

Job and career fairs: A valuable head start in your job hunt

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It can be difficult to navigate what awaits you when you finish your education. Which career path is right for you? How do you get in touch with potential employers? One of the best ways to get answers and gain an extra edge after graduation is by attending job and career fairs. Here are some good reasons why you as a student should prioritise these events.

Table of contents

  • Supplement your digital job search
  • Be prepared
  • Why job and career fairs are a good idea

Assist your digital job search

It has never been easier to find information about people and companies than it is now. Websites, podcasts, and social media are just some of the digital tools you can use to find information about companies you might be interested in working for one day. However, this is far from enough if the dream is to be realized one day. And that’s where job and career fairs come into the picture.

If you sit behind a screen and research, follow them on LinkedIn, etc., you primarily get superficial knowledge about the company. You will not gain insight into whether it is a place where you can unfold with the things you want to do and have competencies in.
Sanne Mattebjerg, Career advisor at IDA

It is very important to be able to speak with companies face-to-face, thereby creating relationships between you and specific employees at the various companies. The experience and knowledge you gain at a fair can give you insight into what it is like to work at the workplace, their tone of voice, and what things would be good to ask about in a potential job interview. It is important to remember that this can be the first step towards landing your first job. The first date, one might call it.

Use IDA Student Jobfinder to find your dream job

Explore the job market within your field

As a supplement to attending job and career fairs, you can use IDA Study Job Finder to look for student jobs, internships, project collaborations, and available full-time positions.

Be prepared

In many cases, it can be fine to be open and just let yourself be inspired and see what happens. But when it comes to your participation in job and career fairs, it is very much about being prepared.

If you go there without preparing, you will come home with tote bags and sweets. So if you want to get more out of it than that, you need to prepare.
Sanne Mattebjerg, Career advisor at IDA

Find out which companies are coming, and then do your research on what they can offer. Does it match some of the wishes you have for your working life or the tasks you would like to work with? If you can check those boxes, put them on your priority list.

So depending on what your purpose is for being at the fair, it is quite central that you ask some questions that can give you answers on whether those purposes will be fulfilled. So if you want an internship, it is obvious to ask them if they are used to having interns. If not, then there is probably no reason to spend more time and energy talking to that company.


Why job and career fairs are a good idea

There are many good reasons to prioritize communities and relationship building. Here are our 5 reasons to participate.


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