Communities and relationships

How to create a good network during your studies

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Good relationships and a network are prerequisites for thriving as a student. Therefore, it is important to focus on this in the early days of your studies – and your network may prove to be invaluable in the future.

Table of contents

  • Focus on relationship building at the start of your studies
  • How to get started with relationship building
  • Prepare for new meetings

Focus on relationship building at the start of your studies

When you start a new study, you may not know anyone in advance. In that situation, it can be quite overwhelming to step into your dream education, where everyone around you is a stranger. Here it is important to remember that most others are in the same situation as you. And it is an advantage when forming relationships that you are not alone in being alone.

We can see that it is at the beginning of the study that you form your network, and there are really good opportunities for it there, because everyone is at the same level and wants to meet new people.
Emilie Lindqvist, Career Advisor at IDA.

She points out that it does not necessarily have to be established friendships that should be the success criterion. Less can also do it. Just having someone you get along with and want to talk to can be a driving force to get out of bed on days when everything might be a bit difficult.

When you have someone to say good morning to and talk with during breaks, it is much easier to get going. The social and academic aspects can sometimes blend a bit more if you study with someone you have a good relationship with.
Emilie Lindqvist, Karriererådgiver i IDA.
Fact box

How to get started with relationship building

IDA Career Advice

Networking: What´s in it for me?

IDA Career Advice

Why professional relationships are important

Prepare for new meetings

It may sound a bit overthought to prepare for meeting your new fellow students. And it is not certain that you need it. But since you have found this article and read all the way here, it may be because it is a bit difficult for you.

We are all different. Some are extroverted, and here the questions and conversations may flow more easily than if you are more introverted. Here, according to the advisor, it can be a good idea to prepare some questions that you can bring with you to the first meetings.

If you find it difficult to be open and just go and talk to others, it can be a really good idea to take a more structured approach. Have some questions in your back pocket that can remind you and give you the support to socialise with your fellow students. Specifically, it can be a good idea to write them down and keep them with you, so you know they are there.
Emilie Lindqvist, Career Advisor at IDA.

The questions could potentially be about where the person lives or how they ended up in the study. Simple questions that can be an entry point to a longer conversation. Here you might find common interests. Maybe you actually live in the same dormitory, or maybe you are both really into yoga. These are small things that can lead to something more, but it requires that you find the courage to go and talk to people.


If you want to expand your network and create more study relationships that can prove valuable now and in the future, take advantage of your opportunities as a student member below.
IDA professional communities
Join an IDA community and get access to professional and social events across the country. There are more than 70 communities to chose from. Joining is free and most events are free or cost-friendly for our student members.
IDA STEM Students
IDA STEM Students is a student political organisation that fights to create the best conditions for you and your fellow students. As a volunteer in the association, you exponentially expand your professional community.
Strong relationships create good results
Improve your relational skills with this course. Gain insight into emotional intelligence, effective communication, and conflict management. Danish courses are always with subtitles.
Much more networking

Build your community for the future

With a healthy community, all studies say that you have a much greater chance of landing a job after your education. Use our many events to network.