Bachelor og and master thesis

Why it is a good idea to cooperate with a company

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There are plenty of benefits related to collaborating with a company when submitting either your bachelor's project or master's thesis. You can gain valuable experience, the company can acquire useful knowledge, and they might even hire you later on.

Table of Contents

  • Benefits of writing with a company
  • Advantages of collaborating when writing your master’s thesis or bachelor’s project
  • How does it work?
  • Build your network

The benefits of writing with a company

One of the biggest benefits of writing a bachelor’s project or master’s thesis in collaboration with a company is that you work on real-world problems, not just theoretical ones. Companies often have specific challenges they want to solve, which means your project can have a real impact. It can be more exciting and motivating to work on something you know can make a difference.

Conversely, it is also very welcomed by companies, as the time and resources to gain these insights from a larger project would not normally be prioritized in everyday operations. This is well known at Demant, a company that has collaborated with students for years. Demant works in hearing healthcare, including hearing aids.

We work with master's students because it is important for us to engage tomorrow's talents in our business area, says the Head of Recruitment in Denmark for the large company Demant, which operates in 30 countries and has over 20,000 employees.
Mikal Thorborg, Head of Recruitment Denmark at Demant

But there are also other reasons why the company wants to engage with students during their studies. There is competition with larger companies that have quite specific end products.

Hearing and hearing healthcare don't immediately have the biggest reputation among engineering studies because we don't make end-user products that people generally have in their households. Our field is most successful when it is invisible.
Mikal Thorborg, Head of Recruitment Denmark at Demant
Fact Box

Advantages of collaborating when writing your master's thesis or bachelor's project

Practical experience
  • You can work on real-world problems and see how your knowledge can be applied in practice.
Access to resources
  • You can gain access to data, technology, equipment, and valuable knowledge provided by the company.
Networking opportunities
  • There are great opportunities to build contacts in the industry, which can strengthen your network and career.
Increased motivation
  • You can contribute to something that has real significance for the company, which can provide extra motivation.
Financial support
  • Some companies offer financial assistance, which can ease your study budget – for example, a stipend after the collaboration.
Better job opportunities
  • A company project provides invaluable experience and can lead to job offers after graduation.

How does it work?

At Demant, they initially used their own website to showcase the opportunity for collaboration in writing master’s theses and bachelor’s projects, but they quickly realized that this was not a sustainable solution. So, they found a more down-to-earth approach.

What we do now is attend all the career fairs we can, where we hand out small business cards with an email address. We tell the students that they know best what is valuable for them to write about.
Mikal Thorborg, Head of Recruitment Denmark at Demant

He encourages students to describe their idea and attach a CV, and then the HR department will send the various emails to the relevant managers around the company. From there, a fruitful collaboration can develop, benefiting both the student and the company. Mikal Thorborg has a suggestion on what to focus on in your email.

It is important to focus on a specific idea that the recipient can relate to, rather than listing many ideas in the hope that something might be interesting. The goal is to describe a single project as well as possible and hope that it could be something the company can use.

And of course, it also works the other way around, so the collaboration meets the requirements of the educational institution.

Build your network

When you work with a company, you meet people from the business world and gain contacts that can be valuable later in your career. It gives you a huge advantage when looking for your first job, as you already have connections in the industry. Often, the company also recognizes your skills, which can sometimes lead to a job offer after your thesis.

This is something that often happens at the company Demant.

We have many employees here today who started their journey with us by doing either a bachelor's project, a master's thesis, or having a student job here. And we can see that the students are happy with it. We have the size and network here, making it easy to find like-minded people both professionally and socially.
Mikal Thorborg, Head of Recruitment Denmark at Demant

There are plenty of opportunities to collaborate with companies around the country. Even if other companies don’t have the same strategic approach as Demant, you can always send an email, use LinkedIn, pick up the phone, or ask companies at job fairs if they collaborate with students.

The worst that can happen is that you get a no, and you haven’t lost anything. It’s important to remember that there’s one thing all managers appreciate in a new colleague: Initiative!


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Recieve help from our career advisors

At IDA, we are ready to help you in your search for exciting project collaborations. We can advise you on how to approach companies effectively.

We also host over 1,000 events annually, many of which are professional and focus on project collaboration. So, keep an eye out for these opportunities.