New to the Danish labour market

For foreign STEM professionals looking for future job opportunities, the Danish job market has a lot to offer. Salaries are high, quality infrastructure, and companies generally offer generous perks and benefits for employees.

First job

Working environment in Denmark

Danish companies usually have a very flat organisational structure, handing out a lot of responsibility to the individual employee and their team. As a consequence, there is nothing wrong with taking issues and comments straight to the manager or the CEO.


By European standards, the agreements on the Danish labour market are highly flexible, for instance with regards to working hours, overtime and hiring and firing of personnel. This means that job mobility is high within the Danish labour market.

In return for their high level of flexibility, Danish employees are guaranteed a relatively comprehensive social security in times of unemployment, illness or occupational injury. Social security is guaranteed by law to all employees. The combination of high flexibility and comprehensive social security is why the Danish labour market is sometimes referred to as based on a »flexicurity model«.

For the individual employee, this means that your working life is more secure and flexible. It is generally easy to change jobs through the course of your career, and you are secure if you lose your job.

International professionals and the Danish model

The flexibility and security of the Danish model also applies to foreign professionals who come to Denmark to find work. The Danish legislation ensures that foreign employees are given the same rights as Danes on the labour market when the relevant permits and contracts are in place.

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