
On this page you will find videos that guide you through everything you need to know about looking for a job and starting in your first job as a graduate.

NB: Switch between Danish and English on all videos via the CC-option. Here, you can also customise the caption background colors for better readability. If you want to read a transcript, this option is positioned right next to the CC-option. You can also change the speed and choose picture-in-picture, if you want the video to follow down the page while scrolling.

Competencies and research
Plan you job search
Competencies: What are they and how do you create an overview?
Identify, target and prioritise your competencies
Pitch your competencies
Pitch yourself
How to use LinkedIn as a research tool
CV, cover letter and unsolicited applications
How to analyse job postings
How to write a good CV
How to structure your CV
How to write a good profile text on your CV
How to structure your cover letter
The good application
Unsolicited applications: Company research
First contact preparations
Company contact: Questions to ask in a call
You called the company: What´s next?
Networking: What´s in it for me?
Get an overview of your network
Make contact and prepare for network meetings
Job interview and salary
How to determine your market value
How to prepare for the job interview
The job interview presentation
The tough interview questions
How to round off and follow up
5 tips for a good first salary negotiation
The contract
Forms of employment
Private sector employment
Public sector employment
Know your rights: Vacation
Know your rights: Sick days and procedures
Know your rights: If you get fired
Know your rights – Parental leave
Du you need sparring for you next step in the job hunt or career?