Online courses for graduates

Get free access to some of the most essential courses when you have just graduated and are in your first job.

Log in with your IDA information.

Log in to IDA Campus

Online courses for graduates

Get free access to some of the most essential courses when you have just graduated and are in your first job.

Log in with your IDA information.

Log in to IDA Campus

Do you want a better start in your first job?

Get free access to video courses such as presentation technique, impostor syndrome, relation building and personal planning. These courses are are tailored for your needs in your first job – mastering these skills will ensure that you get the best possible start to your working life.

You get free access to the IDA Campus if you are a recent graduate (up to 2 years after graduation). The courses are easy to access and all Danish speaking courses have English subtitles. Log in the same way you would any IDA service.

You will find a large selection of courses that can help you update your skills within various programs as well as upgrading your personal skills. Feel like you need to brush up on your Excel skills? Want tools to cope with impostor phenomenon? Or maybe take a class in Python? Perfect whether you’ve just started your first job or have a few months’ experience.

en mosaik af mennesker der studerer

Course examples

NB: All Danish courses are subtitled in English.

person i højre side med tekst der læser "personlig planlægning og effektivitet med mariann bach nielsen i venstre side på en blå gradient baggrund og et dansk flag i nederste højre hjørne

Personal planning and efficiency

If you want to improve your ability in planning and time management, this course gives you tools and techniques to improve focus and productivity.

person til højre med tekst der læser "imposterfænomenet med ann c schoedt" i venstre side på en blå, gradient baggrund og et dansk flag i højre bundhjørne

The Impostor phenomenon

Do you experience self-doubt and underestimate your abilities? Learn how to deal with the impostor phenomenon in professional and personal contexts.

person i højre side med tekst, der læser "stærke relationer skaber gode resultater med birgitte lohse" i venstre side på en blå, gradient baggrund og et dansk flag i højre bundhjørne

Strong relationships create good results

Improve your relational skills both as a team member and leader. Gain insight into emotional intelligence, effective communication and conflict management.

How it works


Take courses with skilled experts in the field.


Get an IDA approved certificate.


Strenghten your professional life and career.

IDA Campus is just one of many benefits

Our courses for new graduates are actually the cherry on the top when we say that we have activities that are tailored to your needs.

Because in addition to free courses at IDA Campus, we also have a catalog of offers that includes skill-giving courses and webinars that facilitate a succesful transition from uni to job.

You can take an online course on how to tackle your first salary negotiation. Participate in workshops – both online and physically – that teach you how to prioritise and clarify your skills, how to navigate the Danish job market when looking for a job as an internatinal and much more.

In addition to the on- and offline workshops and courses, you can join professional networks and Peer Groups for recent graduates, book counselling with an IDA career adviser and much more.

You can read about our various courses and get good advice that eases the transition from student to graduate at IDA’s From Uni to Job platform.


en mosaik af mennesker der studerer

Are you a student?

IDA Campus is also tailored to study life.
You can log in to IDA Campus and find a study course in everything from Intro to ChatGPT, Python for beginners or Advanced Excel – whether it’s to get a good start to the semester, two months before the exam or the day before.

The catalogue is ever growing; all courses are on-demand and free, so it fits into your study life. And if you are an international student, all courses in Danish have English subtitles, so you will have no trouble following along.

Read more about IDA Campus for students and gain access.