How to answer the difficult job interview questions

Can you answer what your greatest weakness is? When do you get pressured? And not least - what do you want in salary? If you don't quite get the hang of it, read on and get ready for all the tough job interview questions.

Job seeker
When you show that you have thought about how you see your role in the company and how you want to develop in the job, you have strong cards in your hand.

The difficult job interview questions

The majority of the job interview is about professional topics, such as where does your experience come from, how do you plan to apply this experience in the job, and how you can add value to the company. This part of the interview is a continuation of your CV, and it’s therefore the easiest part to prepare.

You’ll also be asked questions about yourself as a person. Such questions have no right or wrong answers, and several answers can be good. For some people, the personal questions can seem uncomfortable, but they just mean that the employer is interested in getting to know you. Experience shows that many employers only ask the difficult questions if their interest has been sparked. They want to know more.

Video: The difficult questions

Come prepared for any job interview question

Read your cover letter and your CV to prepare for the job interview. Think about what questions they’ll give rise to and your answers, so that you feel prepared. Even though you’re prepared for the questions, be careful not to answer them too quickly, as this may seem too rehearsed. Instead, “think” before you answer. It is not only the recruiter who will as questions. You are expected to show motivation and interest by asking some questions yourself.

Questions about job content

As soon as possible during the interview, it’s important that you’ll know exactly what the job entails, and how the tasks are to be prioritised. Once you have all the relevant information about the position, you’ll be better able to pinpoint how you can make a difference. Be ready to ask questions about the job, for example:

  • Specific responsibilities of the job
  • How the different responsibilities are weighted
  • The professional profiles of other employees

What development opportunities are there?

You’ll be in a strong position if you have prepared questions about the company’s future plans in advance. You will stand even stronger if you have also considered how you will develop in the position. It shows that you’re ready to move with the company and that will be noticed.

What should your salary be?

A job interview usually ends with a discussion about salary, so it is good to be prepared. Ahead of the interview, check what IDA recommends as appropriate pay for the position you are applying for. Then you’ll have an idea if the topic arises. You can use IDAs Salary compass as well as IDAs salary statistics and other tools to help you get an idea of the market and your worth. These are figures based on skilllset, experience, education and a number of other factors that will give you a good foundation to set your salary.


Video: How do you determine your market value?

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