IDA Networks

Join an IDA network and get access to professional and social events across the country. There are more than 70 networks to chose from. Joining is free and most events are free or cost-friendly for our student members.

Read more about IDA Networks


Thinking about joining a network?

Networks provide you with a unique opportunity to expand your horizon, meet fellow peers and gain insights into your professional area. It might also lead to internships, project As a student member, you have access to all of IDAs networks with more than 70 networks to chose from, ranging from professional, regional and peer groups.

Which ever you chose, you will be included in an active fellowship that is invested in growing and cultivating fellow interests and professional topics.

In the newsletter you get information about upcoming events and when there is a cost involved, you will often get a discount as a student member. You can chose any network as all are open to both professional and student members. And there is no limit to how many you can join.

To get a fuller overview of all the networks and what they are about, head on over to “What are our networks?” at IDA English for Professionals.

If you want an overview of which networks you have chosen, or you want to sign up to more, you can log in to Mit IDA and see your information under My profile.



Der er tre typer netværk. De faglige, de regionale og faciliterede netværksgrupper. I alle tre bliver du en del af aktive fælleskaber, der dyrker de samme interesser og fagligheder.

Du bliver altid orienteret om de seneste aktivitetstilbud og får ofte rabat på arrangementerne. Studiemedlemmer har adgang til de samme netværk som de erhvervsaktive, og du kan gratis melde dig ind i så mange netværk, som du har lyst til og interesse i. Ofte er der også ekstra rabatter til studerende.

Få mere information om de faglige netværk på IDAs hovedside

Du kan nemt og hurtigt til- og framelde dig netværk på “Min Profil” på Mit IDA. Det ligger under afsnittet “Netværk”, hvor du får en fuld oversigt over faglige netværk i IDA.


Types of IDA networks


  • Professional networks
  • Regional networks
  • Peer groups

Professional networks: Meet others with your interests

IDA’s professional networks are networks based on industry, field or area of expertise. There are a variety of networks to choose from, all free to members. The networks vary a great deal in size and the number of annual events they host. The professional networks arrange a large number of annual events such as conferences, company visits, meetings, field trips and social events.

You can join IDA Environment, a network about environmental engineering, meet high level IT-professionals in IDA IT, or interact with others with an interest in food production and the food sector in IDA Food Science.

View the full list of professional networks here. 

Where do I fit in?

As an international you might be experiencing some form of disconnect when moving to Denmark and adjusting to a new setting.

When our career advisors or student ambassadors on campus speak with internationals, the number one ask is “how can I find my footing in this new setting?” We know that there are a lot of additional factors that are at play for internationals while studying, that are somewhat easier for Danish students to manage.

You are all getting to know your fellow students, finding proper housing, sorting out your finances and getting acquainted with the reading material.
But as internationals – depending on how far from Danish culture and style of living you are – you also need to factor in how you settle in and grow (short-term or long-lasting) roots as well as learning the language, habits, and all the subtle differences Danish students have grown up immersed in.

Network while studying

Internationals can be at risk to buckling under extra stressors as a result of being in a completely new setting without a known and trusted network as well as expected to manage language and cultural barriers.

That is why IDA Students encourage you to connect and network while studying. We have made it easy to join networks as a student member. All networks are free, you get newsletters from your chosen networks alerting you of interesting events in your region or professional area, and events are always free or cost-friendly for student members.

When you join an IDA network and get to know your peers on a social and professional level, you get so many added bonusses to you well-being as well as getting to know the Denmark that might be your professional future. It is a great way to get aqcuanted with Danish culture, humour and ways of interacting.

And remember, it is also a way for Danes to getting to know you and your culture, which is also very important. Never forget your uniqueness when networking. Danes might seem “navlepillende” (navel-gazing) at times, and very happy to give you the whole “Denmark is great”-talk for hours on end, but they are truly interested in getting to know you.

people standing in a semi-circle talking

What do you get by joining a network?

Networks provide you with an opportunity to expanding your horizon, meet fellow peers and getting to know your professional area. There are more than 70 networks to chose from, ranging from professional, regional and peer groups.

Which ever you chose, you will be included in an active fellowship that is invested in growing and cultivating fellow interests and professional topics.

In the newsletter you get information about upcoming events and when there is a cost involved, you will often get a discount as a student member. You can chose any network as all are open to both professional and student members. And there is no limit to how many you can join.

To get a fuller overview of all the networks and what they are about, head on over to “What are our networks?” at IDA English for Professionals.

If you want an overview of which networks you have chosen, or you want to sign up to more, you can log in to Mit IDA and see your information under My profile.