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What is housing benefit (boligstøtte), and how do I get it?

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Did you know that as a student, you may be able to get support to pay your rent without it affecting your student grant (SU)? Here is a guide to what housing benefit is and how you can apply for it.

Table of contents

  • Housing benefit for students: How it works
  • How can you apply for housing benefit?
  • This is important to know about housing benefit as a student
  • 5 good reasons to apply for housing benefit

Housing benefit for students: How it works

We do not need to use much space to explain that finances as a student can be relatively tight. The student grant does not even cover the rent. Fortunately, there is help available for the latter. That is, the rent.

Housing benefit is a financial subsidy that helps reduce your rent. It is especially relevant for students and low-income groups living in rental housing. The amount of the possible subsidy depends on how many people live in the rental property, your income, and not least the size of your accommodation. Owner-occupied homes and student housing are usually excluded from the scheme.

How can you apply for housing benefit?

  1. Check if you are eligible: To receive housing benefit, you usually need to have your own kitchen in the accommodation. If you live in a shared apartment or a dorm room without your own kitchen, the wait for financial assistance may be longer. Your income and the size of the accommodation also affect whether you can receive support. Note that you can receive housing benefit if you live in a parent-purchased apartment. The important thing is that you live as a tenant.
  2. Application via Housing benefit is applied for digitally through You need MitID to log in, and then you can follow the instructions to complete the application.
  3. Provide necessary information: Here, you need to provide details about your rent, housing conditions, and any other income. You may also be asked for documentation in the form of a rental contract, especially if it is your first time applying for support.
  4. Response from Udbetaling Danmark: Once you have applied, Udbetaling Danmark, which handles the payments, processes your application. Processing time can vary, but in most cases, you will receive a response within a month.

Vigtigt at vide om boligstøtte som studerende

En af de store fordele ved boligstøtte er, at den ikke bliver medregnet i din skattepligtige indkomst. Det betyder, at din boligstøtte ikke får din SU til at skrumpe ind i form af en nedsættelse. Boligstøtten kan derfor fungere som et ekstra tilskud, der gør det nemmere at få enderne til at mødes, især hvis du har en høj husleje i en storby.  

Det er vigtigt at holde Udbetaling Danmark opdateret, hvis der sker ændringer i din husstand. Måske flytter din kæreste ind, eller måske får du et studiejob. Begge dele er noget, der kan påvirke din støtte. Udbetaling Danmark justerer automatisk din boligstøtte, så det er vigtigt, at alle oplysninger er opdaterede. Ellers risikerer du at skulle betale noget støtte tilbage. Og det er jo knap så fedt. 

Navigating student life in Denmark

Navigate the unique challenges and opportunities of living in Denmark with this series. Perfect for students, professionals, or anyone wanting to experience Danish culture, this guide offers essential insights and practical tips.

This series includes: 1. Understanding Danish cultural values like equality and trust. 2. Strategies for building a support network and establishing routines. 3. Tips for meeting and interacting with Danes through social events and hobbies. 4. Insights into Denmark's work-life balance and utilizing free time. 5. Guidance on learning Danish and the benefits of language skills. 6. Job search tips, including writing effective CVs and cover letters.

This is important to know about housing benefit as a student

One of the major advantages of housing benefit is that it is not included in your taxable income. This means that your housing benefit does not reduce your student grant. Therefore, housing benefit can serve as an additional subsidy, making it easier to make ends meet, especially if you have high rent in a big city.

It is important to keep Udbetaling Danmark updated if there are changes in your household. Maybe your partner moves in, or perhaps you get a student job. Both can affect your support. Udbetaling Danmark automatically adjusts your housing benefit, so it is crucial that all information is up to date. Otherwise, you risk having to repay some of the support. And that is not so great.

5 good reasons to apply for housing benefit

Financial support for daily life
Housing benefit can help you make ends meet, especially if you are a student or have a low income.
Flexibility in the budget
With housing benefit, you free up funds that can be used for other important expenses such as study materials, food, or transport.
No repayment
Housing benefit is not a loan, but a service you do not have to repay as long as you meet the requirements.
Reduced rent burden
If your rent constitutes a large part of your income, housing benefit can make it possible to live in suitable accommodation without being financially pressured.
Simple application process
It is easy to apply for housing benefit online, and you can quickly get an estimate of how much you are entitled to.


We hope you have gained a better understanding of housing benefit and how it can help you in your situation as a student and possibly a newcomer to a foreign city. Below, we have gathered more content you should be aware of if you have moved away from home or to a university city.
The Danish Rent Act FAQ
Here you will find answers to the most important areas of the tenancy law that may affect your situation when you move into your own accommodation.
Find the perfect student accomodation and avoid the housing pitfalls
Get concrete tips on how and where to look for student housing, how to avoid being scammed, and what rights you have according to the tenancy law.

When you have your housing situation under control

When you have your housing situation under control, you can start focusing on other important things. You can fully concentrate on your studies, as well as begin to explore your new university city.

At IDA, our professional career advisors can help you with almost anything related to supporting you during and after your studies. As a student member of IDA, you are also fortunate to have access to over 2000 events annually nationwide – and there is guaranteed to be something for you in your university city.